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Bootstrap Template


Do you want to kick-start your website or web app project and save money and design effort? Bootstrap templates are always a handy option.


Want a site that anyone can use with ease? It has to be appealing and draw people in.

Bootstrap can help. It's a web framework for developers. It makes building detailed and informative web pages easier.


This guide will show you how to use a Bootstrap theme. We cover its features, benefits, and uses. We will also show you how to pick the best one. Plus, how Ui Barn can assist you. So, explore each part for useful details.





What are Bootstrap Templates?


Bootstrap (formerly Twitter Bootstrap) is a very popular front-end framework. It is widely known for its simplicity and effectiveness for web development.


A responsive, mobile first front-end web development free open-source CSS framework. HTML, CSS as well as JavaScript-based design layouts are all packaged into this theme. Typography, forms, buttons, and navigation are its main focus areas.


These templates are pre-designed websites, software frameworks, or basic layouts. It has very little space for customization. For templates, minimal custom CSS deals mainly with layout. It involves few styling or design decisions.


It is fully compatible with different screen sizes due to its responsiveness. Similarly, it is ideal for creating mobile-friendly websites.


Ui Barn has a variety of templates that are easy to use and can be modified . Want to start quickly with your project? Then see to it that the code and files are properly arranged.


Our templates are great for all types of screens. They have a modern feel about them and one is able to adjust their appearance according to the way one likes. They can be used on any device, including laptops and personal computers as well as smart phones.


You can design any website you want. You might need a website for a business, for yourself, or for someone else who needs it. They might be starting up something cool or doing digital art. Ui Barn is the perfect place if you want an innovative and user-friendly website.


Why is Bootstrap used?


The main reason one needs to use Bootstrap is to reduce the time needed to complete a web design project.


Every front-end developer's vision is to build an appealing, multi-functioning web design. However, the procedure comes with dealing with an overwhelming amount of code. It can be repetitious and time-consuming over time.


Why is Bootstrap used?


The main reason one needs to use Bootstrap is to reduce the time needed to complete a web design project.


Every front-end developer's vision is to build an appealing, multi-functioning web design. However, the procedure comes with dealing with an overwhelming amount of code. It can be repetitious and time-consuming over time.


Bootstrap is a powerful front-end framework. This open-source toolkit comprises code dedicated to supporting the front-end web development process. It is hosted and available for public use on GitHub.


Bootstrap is a powerful front-end framework. This open-source toolkit comprises code dedicated to supporting the front-end web development process. It is hosted and available for public use on GitHub.


Features of Bootstrap Templates?


1. Components


Bootstrap provides a number of components. It can help us build our web applications, such as:

  • Dropdowns

  • Forms

  • Navigation Bars

  • Buttons

  • Tables

  • Progress bars

  • Thumbnails


Therefore, adding eye-catching design elements to applications is very easy. All the components will look great on any device, regardless of screen size. It also provides many ready-made functionalities at the fingertips.


2. Responsive Grid


Bootstrap has its own pre-defined grid system. So you can immediately fill your containers with the required content.


Users can use extra small to extra-large breaks. They use them to define custom breakpoints for each column. It also has a default option that can be used in most scenarios. Thus, its responsive grid makes developers' lives easy.


3. Time-Saving


With Bootstrap, you can easily build a web or mobile app in a very short time. And, you can nail your project effortlessly. This is due to the ready-made blocks that are built for us to use.


When you download and install Bootstrap, it unpacks ready-made themes and templates. We can choose from them or include input from other sources.


But you must also be aware that many people do the same. To make your website or app stand out, you must be creative. You need to modify specific parts to make them unique.


4. Customizable


You can always modify the CSS file if unsatisfied with Bootstrap's design template. It can also be combined with existing designs, complementing each other's functions.


This is very helpful when you give your application a unique look. But need more time to learn code or custom CSS from scratch.


5. Compatibility


The Bootstrap framework also comes with compatibility. It ensures compatibility with all modern browsers, versions, and platforms. However, it doesn't support proxy and older browsers.


6. Consistency


The Bootstrap framework eradicates the use of libraries. It differs from developer to developer. 

This theme establishes consistency throughout the project. It does so no matter who handles it.

It is also compatible across multiple browsers. 


No matter what browser you use for development purposes. It consistently produces the same output across all browsers.


7. Community Support


Bootstrap's official website provides many resources and materials. It also offers incredible documentation, which makes creating a website much simpler.


You can also access their templates and themes. From them, you can make the needed changes.





Benefits of Using Bootstrap


Bootstrap has numerous advantages in the developing world. They contain excellent web design to make responsive apps and websites. It ensures a great user experience.


This framework simplifies web development. Its outstanding features make it advantageous compared with other options. Let's know some of its benefits.


1. A Time-Saving Solution


For designs with similar requirements, Bootstrap can save time for you when developing.

You may start with ready-made design themes and templates. It lets you modify its code for a custom fit of the framework to your project specifications.


Again, changes made in development will impact all such web pages modified by Bootstrap.

We make our templates ready so that you can begin immediately.


2. Easy to Use


Using Bootstrap is simple. You don't need much time. You also don't need much knowledge. You can use this tool if you are new in this field. You just require a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It surely helps in case you want to change the code but it's not obligatory.


3. Design for All Devices


Today's most significant demand in web development is the creation of responsive websites. Bootstrap has managed this with its dedicated mobile-first grid system.


To fit different screen sizes, it can split the screen into twelve columns. This makes its web design adaptable to all kinds of devices.


Also, you can show elements on only one type of device. You can do this by using the grid system's classes.


We have designed our templates to be more favorable to all devices. You can thus access our themes on any device.


4. Pre-style Design


Bootstrap templates are pre-styled. You don't need to make many design choices. We design our templates in an attractive, modern way that is very easy to use. Users can interact with this easily.


We use technologies like SCSS to extend our themes as easily as possible. We are attaching to Bootstrap's system to develop their framework.


5. Community and Resources


Bootstrap puffs an extensive and active community of developers and designers. You can quickly discover tutorials, documentation, and third-party themes or extensions. When you face challenges, you can also seek help and solutions from the community.


6. Responsive Images


Bootstrap web templates adjust to desktops, phones, and tablets. Getting images to adjust in size based on what device your user is viewing used to be tiresome.


Bootstrap resizes images automatically. You just add "img-responsive" to an image. This saves you from switching between code and design software. Other additional classes include "img-circle" and "img-rounded."


7. JavaScript


It offers solutions for popups, transitions, and carousels. Bootstrap's JavaScript works with Vanilla Java.


It offers more than a dozen unique plugins. It expands your working space for interactivity. It also includes a plugin called Scroll Spy. It automatically refreshes your navigation bar as you scroll across pages. 


If you're familiar with JavaScript, you can use it to incorporate your own plugins. It gives you the ability to construct extremely interactive web pages.


Drawbacks of Bootstrap Templates?


Bootstrap offers numerous advantages, like speed and responsiveness. But it also has some potential downsides to consider:


1. Homogeneity:


Due to its popularity, many people use this theme. Websites built with Bootstrap can sometimes look similar, lacking a unique design identity. Vast customization is needed to stand out.


2. Bloated Code: 


Bootstrap contains many pre-built styles and components. The extra code can increase page size and slow loading times if you only use a few. Careful preference and customization can mitigate this.


3. Learning Curve: 


Using Bootstrap is simpler than making CSS from scratch. But, you must understand its structure, classes, and documentation to use it well. This could be a first obstacle.


4. Limited Flexibility: 


Bootstrap offers pre-made styles and structures. Making unique or complex layouts may need many overrides or extra code. This offsets some simplicity benefits.


5. jQuery Dependence:


Many Bootstrap features rely on jQuery. It may not be suitable for contemporary JavaScript methods or performance-critical projects. There are alternatives to using vanilla JavaScript in newer versions.


How to Use Bootstrap Templates?


 Bootstrap is used for various web design and development projects. It includes HTML for structure, CSS for presentation, and JavaScript for interactivity. It can't be used in a single step, but there are some general procedures and rules you can follow:


Download and Install


Bootstrap is free and open, with no restrictions, so it is easily available. Decide whether to download the full version directly. This is best for beginners. Download the specific parts you want and host them yourself, or include them from a CDN.


Begin Coding


Begin coding using any preferred editor/IDE. Supported server-side languages include ASP.NET, PHP, and Ruby on Rails. Bootstrap is easy to use for beginners who know the basics of HTML and CSS.


Use a Basic Template


When Bootstrap is installed, select a basic template. And begin customizing and building features.


Build on a Template


Start adding coded elements. You can write them yourself or select from Bootstrap's code library.


Run Bootlint or Other Linter Tools


Use an HTML linter to look for common errors in your code. A linter catches mistakes that break websites. But, Bootlint saves time by checking code as you go.


Some Helpful Bootstrap Design Templates


If you want to enrich your website's online presence, it's great to rely on Bootstrap templates. This framework gives your website a more neat and delicate appearance.

Here are some of our suggestions for some useful and rich bootstrap themes. You can add these to your web project:


1. Panagea


Panagea is a sleek and straightforward bootstrap HTML template for travel sites. It's perfect for businesses/agencies that provide tourism services. They can deliver basic information about places. They can also be used to buy tours and book hotels and restaurants. You can easily add by using a SASS or CSS file. It comes with four pre-made color schemes.


2. New Age


New Age is a landing page template. It will help you show your web app or anything else stunningly. This includes HTML5 and CSS device prototypes. These are simple to use. The menu is custom and has fixed navigation. It has scrolling animations. There are SASS/SCSS files for more customization, etc.


3. Bell


Bell is a Bootstrap 4 theme single-page template. It is appropriate for various business websites. It includes agencies, startups, and businesses. Also, factories, real estate, construction, finance, consulting, and cleaning services. Bell has a lot of cool features. It supports the latest Bootstrap. It has Sass/SCSS source files, Parallax blocks, and animated scrolling.


4. Sundown


Sundown is a bootstrap based templates. It's great for a clean and modern portfolio template for creatives. Are you a graphic designer, interior designer, architect, photographer, or painter? You'll like this theme's clean and elegant design. Sundown also features a call to action and a part about the team. It also features a piece with Google Maps integration for contacting us.


5. Philosophy


Philosophy is one of the best bootstrap templates for blog templates. This template is great for trendy blogs. These include lifestyle, fashion, culinary, personal, and design blogs. It has attractive features. These include a stunning grid for posts, a lazy loading effect, four post types, and more. With this blog template, you can create a unique and eye-catching design. It ensures your blog stands out from the rest.


Templates You Can Create with Bootstrap


High-quality HTML templates were developed using the Bootstrap framework. Our templates are all really simple to use and alter. You can start your project quickly. The code and files are neatly organized.


Our themes are modern, 100% responsive, and look great on any screen size. They operate on all platforms, including computers, tablets, and phones. Create any kind of website. It could be for a corporation, creative agency, personal portfolio, digital studio, startup, or any other business that needs a creative and easy-to-use website.


Template for Startups, Apps, and IT Services


Our Template for Startups, Apps, and IT Services is a cutting-edge website template. This template ensures a perfect blend of function and style. It has a sleek and stylish design. It empowers your online presence and captivates your audience.


Key Features:


  • Sleek and contemporary design

  • Perfect blend of functionality and aesthetics

  • Visual elements and vibrant color schemes

  • Ideal choice for showcasing your cutting-edge products

  • Responsive and mobile-friendly experience


Corporate Template


Our corporate templates are clean and modern and mainly designed for business sites. You can showcase your content on mobile devices. It includes smartphones, tablets, and all types of devices.


Key Features:


  • Fully responsive template

  • Latest Bootstrap version

  • Clean and modern design

  • Latest Bootstrap version

  • Clean code and easy-to-customize

  • Nice responsive pricing boxes

  • SEO Optimized

  • Cross Browser compatible


Portfolio Template


Our portfolio HTML template is modern, which is great for a personal CV. It's a creative, minimal, and clean design.


Key Features:


  • Modern And Creative Design

  • Resume template included

  • Built with the latest Bootstrap version

  • Fully customizable

  • One pager design

  • Smooth Scroll

  • SEO Optimized

  • Cross Browser compatible

  • Responsive Layout


Photography Website Template


The Photography template is perfect for both professionals and enthusiasts.


Key Features:


  • Fully responsive photography template

  • Built with the Latest Bootstrap version

  • Testimonial slider

  • Pricing list

  • Services section

  • No jQuery dependency

  • Clean and modern design

  • Off-canvas mobile menu

  • SEO Optimized

  • Cross Browser compatible


Restaurant Website Template


Launch and manage your restaurant website with our restaurant template. Our template includes food menu templates, a reservation form, galleries, and chef sections.


Key Features:


  • Fully responsive website template

  • Built with the Latest Bootstrap version

  • No jQuery dependency

  • Clean and modern design.

  • Off-canvas mobile menu

  • SEO Optimized

  • Responsive video, object, embed

  • Cross Browser compatible


Transportation Website Template


The transportation template is easy to use. It also offers everything you need to create great-looking logistics. If you plan to make a website for a logistics company, you should check out this template.


Key Features:


  • Fully responsive website template

  • Built with the Latest Bootstrap version

  • No jQuery dependency

  • Clean and modern design

  • Animation on scroll effect

  • Off-canvas mobile menu

  • SEO Optimized

  • Responsive video, object, or embed

  • Cross-browser compatibility


Construction Website Template


Construction templates are fully responsive and look beautiful in any size. You can start small or large projects using this template. It is speedy, straightforward, beautiful, skillful, and delivers the ultimate user experience.


Key Features:


  • Fully responsive template

  • Latest Bootstrap version

  • No jQuery dependency

  • The design is modern and clean, and the code is also clean and easy to customize.

  • Off-canvas mobile menu

  • Intuitive services listings

  • SEO Optimized

  • Responsive video, object, or embed

  • Cross-browser compatibility


Blog Template


The templates for blogs are fully responsive. They work perfectly on all devices and screens. It is modern and sleek. It has all the necessary options and sections.

It is built with Bootstrap version 5 and doesn't require jQuery.


Key Features:


  • Lightweight and clean design

  • Latest Bootstrap 5 version

  • Fully responsive

  • Easy colors and font customizations

  • No jQuery dependency

  • Clean code and easy-to-customize

  • Google fonts

  • SEO optimized

  • Optimized for performance


Multipurpose Template


The templates are easy to use. They are for one page and have many great features and ready sections. It has "about us" and "achievement counts." Also, a carousel of testimonials, icon boxes for services, and a call to action. It has a team, a page for portfolio details, pricing, FAQs, and more.


Key Features:


  • Clean and modern design

  • Latest Bootstrap version

  • Clean code and easy-to-customize

  • Testimonials carousel

  • Portfolio with lightbox support

  • Responsive Layout

  • Pricing Section

  • Frequently Asked Question Section

  • Smooth Scroll


Creative Template


Our creative website template is easily customizable. It is 100% responsive and supports all modern browsers and devices with any screen size. Build your attractive website with our fantastic Multipurpose Bootstrap website template!


Key Features:


  • Clean and modern design

  • Clean code and easy-to-customize

  • Latest Bootstrap version

  • Off-canvas mobile menu

  • Responsive Layout

  • Testimonials Section

  • Frequently Asked Question Section

  • SEO Optimized

  • Cross-browser compatibility


How to Choose Right Bootstrap Themes?


When it comes to choosing the proper bootstrap, you may feel imprisoned. There are numerous options accessible. Now we'll go over some key factors. You should consider them while choosing a bootstrap template.


Specify Your Website's Purpose and Goals


First, you must establish the purpose and goals of your website. Are you building an e-commerce website, a blog, or a portfolio? Knowing the goal of your website will allow you to cut down your selections. You can then select a template that is appropriate for your needs.


If you need an e-commerce site, look for one with a shopping cart and product showcase. 

However, you should prioritize templates that emphasize visuals. If you're making a portfolio website, it should present your work well.


Consider Design and Customisation Options


When selecting premium bootstrap themes, consider their design components. Consider its color schemes, typography, layout possibilities, and general aesthetics. Your website's design is critical. It attracts people and provides a great user experience.


Give preference to those that provide flexibility. This means they support color, layout, and component customization. This allows you to customize the template based on your brand identification. It also ensures that it stands out among other websites that use similar layouts.


Responsive Design for Mobile Compatible


When reviewing bootstrap templates, make sure they use responsive design. Responsive design ensures that your website looks and works well on all devices. This includes smartphones, tablets, and computers. It adjusts to different screen sizes. It changes the layout to ensure all material is easy to access. This will let you reach more people. It will also boost your website's search results.


Check Documentation and Support


Look for templates with lots of documentation. It explains how to install, customize, and troubleshoot any issues.


Additionally, see if the template maker offers support via forums, email, or live chat. Having access to reliable help will save you time and frustration. It will help if you run into problems during the implementation.


Can Beginners Use This?


Would you like to create website templates using Bootstrap? What about you? Do you know anything about it, or are you a newbie in this field?


It would be slightly challenging for you. This is true if you are a beginner at Bootstrap dashboard templates. It is necessary to have some knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. To use templates effectively, it is best to become familiar with these languages.


Start by downloading the latest Bootstrap HTML theme from the official website. You need to download the files, extract them, and include the CSS and JavaScript files.


Where Do You Get The Best Template?


Bootstrap 5 template can be found on various websites and marketplaces online. There are thousands of free web templates available on different platforms. But you need to pick the best one from a best seller.


Buy bootstrap CSS templates from a platform. It offers the best price, support, and functionality. It also offers a guarantee, etc.


In that case, Ui Barn is your number one reliable partner for getting themes. We offer a great selection of high-quality, easy-to-use templates for various purposes.


We have hundreds of starter template bootstrap websites. You can buy them from us.


Why are Ui Barn The Pioneer?


Beautiful Design


We combine modern beauty and aestheticism. Our templates are fresh and have no bootstrap. You can bring unlimited conversions. It's with the mix of color and saturation of clean typography.


Speedy Loading


Our template is built with the latest technology. With it, you get a lean, lightweight, fast-loading code base that lets your website load like lightning. You can say goodbye to bounce rates.


Readable and Engaging for Users


Ui Barn researches a lot to ensure high engagement and readability. Therefore, themes ship with carefully chosen fonts and colors. And let's not forget the best layout for elements that focus on conversion. These include a countdown timer and contact info.


Easily Customized


You can use our free and pro bootstrap themes for any niche website. The Ui Barn template allows you to use 600 Google fonts. It also has unlimited colors, unique headers, and more.


Search Engine Optimization


To make a website popular, it must be highly SEO-friendly. Ui Barn templates are search engine friendly. It helps them rank on the first page of search engines.


Bootstrap Frontend Framework


We have free and premium Bootstrap templates. They are highly optimized for the popular Bootstrap framework. So you can build crazy platforms and create personalized and professional site elements.


Dedicated Technical Support


Our templates provide users with ultimate flexibility and experience using modern equipment. Our code theme developers support the end users directly. We also provide free bootstrap templates to empower startup companies' websites.


Compatibility With Modern Browsers


Our templates have the needed changes and optimizations. They make your website look sharp and professional in any browser. It includes Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and more.


Final Thoughts


It is hoped that you have a basic understanding of Bootstrap. You should know its advantages and disadvantages. You have also learned why Ui Barn is a good choice.


To enhance your site's features, choose a bootstrap template based on your theme.

Get the most responsive and cost-effective Bootstrap 5 starter template from Ui Barn.


Frequently Asked Questions


Can I use free templates?


In actuality, you can use some of the greatest website templates for free at all. Still, a free template often shows the theme developer's logo or other branding. This can detract from your site's professional look. Even worse, free templates might have harmful code in them.


Is Bootstrap still used in 2024?


Yes. Bootstrap is still the most used CSS framework. Its ease of use and widespread support make it a great choice to complete a project quickly, even in 2024.


Is Bootstrap SEO Friendly?


Absolutely, Yes. Instead of starting from scratch, it simplifies the life of a web developer. The content of your website is more important to SEO. This is more true than "technical" factors like site speed and off-site presence. But a strong foundation is always an excellent place to start.


Can I use Bootstrap without CSS?


No, you can't, really. Bootstrap is a CSS template/framework. You do not have to set a list of properties for an object to center it. Instead, you can make it 80% the width of the page, keep the text aligned in it, and make it readable. Bootstrap has a class for that. It's built from CSS.